Image of Gut Gruel Logo
Lisa and Vic Johnson, Co Founders of Diabetic Kitchen
Image of Vic Johnson with wife Lisa
Image of NIH Study of the role in gut microbiome in chronic disease
An X-Ray like image of the gut
Image of Gut Gruel Package
Image of hot gut gruel
Image of Cold gut gruel
Image of Gut Gruel in smoothie
Image of Beta Glucan source
Image of Omega-3 ALA source
Image of Inulin source - chicory roots
Image of Probiotics blend'
Image of Nutritional panel and directions
$ 49.99
$ 39.99
$ 10.00
$ 149.97
$ 99.00
$ 50.97
$ 299.94
$ 174.00
$ 125.94

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Cheryl McClellan
My Gut is Loving Gut Gruel

I have noticed improvement in my digestive tract. Less bloating and better bowel habits. Looking forward to long term benefits.

Joanne Hudson
“The Jury’s Still Out”!

I’m still trying to work Gut Gruel into my routine 2-3 days a week. So far, the taste is good and I’m introducing this slowly.

Jeannie Mahoney

I initially struggled to add some texture to this new health product. I started with my standard cereal addition of bananas and raisins. After 3 tries, it felt like my usual morning oatmeal and I was home! I've expanded to servings of fresh nuts, granola, shredded unsweetened coconut, and Diabetic Kitchen cereals, and my gut is warm and comfy, and my blood glucose quiet and not freaking out. Great morning meal!

I love Gut Gruel

I love Gut Gruel! I have been eating it as hot cereal for breakfast every morning for the last 2 weeks. I have diverticulosis with constipation and gas pains but now I feel so much better!

Barbara Annas
It's Doing It's Thing!

This is an easy to prepare breakfast. With sliced strawberries on top, yum. And it's "doing it's job" on the digestive side ... if you know what I mean-! ;) I love the hint of cinnamon and coconut. I'm a "put sugar on everything" person, so this is a welcome relief from that. And so much better for me!! Yay, Diabetic Kitchen!

Image of 180 Day Refund icon
Image of the logos of some of the orgs used as sources of research