$ 49.99
$ 39.99
$ 10.00
Image of hot gut gruel
Image of Cold gut gruel
Image of Gut Gruel in smoothie

Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews
David Wiethe
Gruel for the win

I bought my first gut gruel and try to use it in my cereal , oatmeal or smoothie 2 to 3 times a week. Prior to starting I went to gastroenterologist had tests done etc. since starting my gut has improved tremendously. I have regular bowel movements and limited stomach bloating. I will continue to use gut gruel and glad I gave it a try.

Cheryl McClellan
My Gut is Loving Gut Gruel

I have noticed improvement in my digestive tract. Less bloating and better bowel habits. Looking forward to long term benefits.

Doreen Jackson

I really like the product!👍🏾😁

Mark Dmohowski
Gut Gruel Prebiotic+ Probiotic

Just started to use it. Taste is good - sort of reminds me of cream of wheat. Take it with a mixture of frozen or fresh berries and a dash of cream or yogurt. I have been adding daily fiber to my diet for a few years now so I do not expect any bad effects or discomfort.

John Picone
My first bowl

It was delicious! Looking forward to many more bowls in the future !!! I’m spreading the word !

Lisa and Vic Johnson, Co Founders of Diabetic Kitchen
Image of Vic Johnson with wife Lisa
Image of the logos of some of the orgs used as sources of research